Healthy Aging Blog

10 Secrets to Making a Healthy Smoothie!

10 Secrets to Making a Healthy Smoothie!

Is Your Smoothie Really Healthy? Many people are blending up smoothies nowadays with the hope of getting more healthy. The problem is that what they are making is not actually all that healthy. Recently, I performed a survey among my smoothie making clients and...

High Blood Pressure? Try this natural remedy!

High Blood Pressure? Try this natural remedy!

High Blood Pressure affects 1/3 of the population High Blood Pressure is a major health issue in the U.S. According to the CDC, as of 2010 – 67 million American adults (31%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 adults. In...

Low Back Pain? Bridges can Help!

Low Back Pain? Bridges can Help!

How to Reduce or Eliminate Low Back Pain Series 1 In this blog series, I offer tips, techniques, and advice on how to reduce and/or eliminate low back pain. Today’s low back pain tip introduces an indispensable exercise called “The Bridge”. This is NOT the same as a...

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